Obiaa B3wo Campaign

The ‘Obiara B3w)’ campaign is tailored to make people embrace the vaccines to reduce the probability of mass transmission and bust the myths related to vaccinations. The campaign encourages citizens to continue observing social distancing, wear nose masks, wash their hands frequently, and get vaccinated.

To encourage Ghanaians to get vaccinated.
To emphasize the importance of getting fully vaccinated
Increase the number of people who believe getting the vaccine is the best way to protect themselves and their families.
Use social events to promote vaccination in the communities

Target Audience
Persons between the ages of 18- to 45-year-old
The campaign materials will include TV Radios and digital advertisements on social media and other platforms. Social media content and tools to support community outreach activities to be delivered by health service providers, community leaders, and influencers. Short online videos on Covid19 vaccine.

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